Hangover by flori-dono Disclaimer: This is a Rurouni Kenshin-inspired fan fiction. The author is not making any money out of this. The characters of Rurouni Kenshin belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shounen Jump, and Sony and others that should be mentioned but were not. I (Night time. We see Megumi inside the clinic with tons of paper on her desk, but she isn't reading them. She is just staring into space. Now we peek inside her head.) It has been two months since THAT blasted thing happened. I've avoided Sanosuke since then. He stayed away too, mainly because he knows I would be out for his head. Kenshin, Kaoru, and even the brat Yahiko were smart enough not to mention his name around me. In short, life should have been peaceful enough. But no. SOMETHING happened, okay! It's not just anything that you can just leave as is. Even if you don't want to think about it, it persists on staying in your mind until you want to hang yourself to get rid of the memories. And boy, what memories... Hey Megumi, are you listening to me? Quit it will you? I don't want you to remember how Rooster-head looked in his birthday suit, sleeping beside you. Agh! There you go again Megumi, you're impossible! Alright, go ahead and think of him and see if I care. You don't listen to a word I say... I cough loudly as if the action can actually free my mind from EVIL thoughts. I focus my attention on the task at hand which is my most hated side of the medical profession- paperwork. I was never the type who would sit around all day and read tons of paper in illegible handwriting. Sorry Genzai-sensei, no offense but I believe most doctors (me as exception) write pretty badly. Anyway, I scan the documents quickly, hoping to finish as soon as possible. Pregnancy reports, medical certificates which are needed to be signed... yes... and what's this? Oh, just a letter... I see... a request for some herbs from some dojo. Better let the sensei take care of the matter... wait, this was dated a while ago? How come it only came now? Damn postal services. Where's that calendar? Oh here it is... if it was written in June and... Kuso! What date is it now? August... the seventeenth... when did I last had my period? Let me see... last June 5! Oh shit, I'm what, two months overdue? Okay Megumi BREATHE, inhale...exhale...inhale... It doesn't mean that if you're two months late that you're PREGNANT right? But I've never been late, ever! Hey, think about the stress you've been handling lately, that's one factor to consider. Oh yes, yes... I guess so. This is stupid! I'm a doctor, for Kami-sama's sake. I should know about this stuff. Well, I can't just examine myself. Find another doctor to be sure. It's still early to get all riled up. Yes, I think I should wait a few months more Uh-huh that's it... a few months... No, I remember how I've been picking my food lately. Na, just blame it on stress. You haven't even started throwing up yet... (Megumi puts a hand over her mouth) Dammit, I'm gonna... I'm gonna... (Runs at the back of the clinic and vomits) It's just psychological Megumi... You thought about it so you did it. Nothing to worry about. And besides you haven't even fainted ye...et... (Megumi falls down in an unconsious heap.) (Meanwhile we see Sanosuke inside a 'tavern', drinking. Let's take a look in Sano's thoughts.) Two months... two long f#$&ing months! I don't think I can stand this already! (swig, gulp). I can't even go to town without checking first if she's there or not. I can't even snatch a free meal at the dojo anymore for fear of finding she's there. Fear? Did I even think of that word? I am Sagara Sanosuke... king of the Fists! Fear, isn't part of my vocabulary. Yeah right! Then how come you don't have the guts to face her and talk to her. Geez, we made love! If it wasn't a big thing for her, then it is for me. I love her , dammit! (swig, gulp) But she doesn't love me. That's the point. Sagara, remember if she wasn't drunk would she even have kissed you? No! She would've hit you if you had even dared look at her in a sensual way. Then who does she think she is? She's just a well-bred young woman from a rich and respectable family... (swig, gulp) Okay,so she has reasons to get snobby. So what? To hell with her! From now on, I am not gonna think about her. If I see her, then fine, I'll ignore her! Huh? Is that woman walking towards me or something? That (gulp) voluptuous one with the low neckline and high hemline? Hehehe, see Sagara, there are still more female fish in the ocean. And this proves you still got sex appeal. Why don't you give yourself a toast... To the new me! (swig, gulp, gulp, gulp) Hey, so now she's sitting on my lap (choke). Kuso, that tickles! Boy, her hands are really fast, must be all the practice hehehe... Oooh, so she likes to nibble ears huh, lemme show how good I am at nibbling... Oh shit, what the hell am I doing? This is not Megumi. How can I just sit here and let myself be seduced by some other girl? Who are you kidding Sagara, you love the Fox-lady! And if you really are as tough as you claim to be, then why do you give up easily on her? Fight for her dammit! "Sorry babe, you're not my type!" I got to get out (strides out of tavern). I need to talk to her. (Sano walks hurriedly towards the clinic. He sees the building with its lights still on) So, she's still awake. Good, hey... the door isn't even locked. What if some bad guy just walk around and come in... I should give that girl a lesson, and boy what a lesson I'll give her. (Sano sees an Megumi lying on the floor). Megumi! (Sano hurries towards the girl's side and effortlessly picked her up and lay her down on a cot. Sano starts to pace) Shit! She looks so pale. What can I do... Okay, cool it down... sit down and wait for her to wake up (sits). What if she won't wake up. Baka! Of course she will... she's still breathing! Should I wake Genzai-sensei up? Oh, he's out of town, I forgot! Gads, she looks so beautiful in her sleep, so innocent, vulnerable even. Not at all like the fiery kitusne I've come to know. But I love them both, the two sides of Megumi. (chuckles) Heh, you dog! I've never thought I'd live the day when I see myself as some romantic fool... Thank Kami-sama! She's waking up... (Megumi stirs from her slumber and sees Sano) DIAPERS... CRIBS... A BABY... Clear off the images! I don't wanna die yet! Wait, okay bring em back, I'd rather wake up seeing diapers than having Sanosuke's face hovering over mine. (Megumi reaches up and slaps the 'image' away) "Ow!" Yikes! It's real... the face is real... it's really Sano! Why is he here? Has he found out that... that he's gonna be a (gulps) FATHER? Hey, it's not for sure yet. But there is the possibility. (Sano looks bewilderedly at her) Somethings going on with her... She looks confused... she should've shouted at me by now. "What are you doing here Sagara Sanosuke?" Nice thinking boy.... Wait! She... she called me Sagara Sanosuke? Not Rooster- head? Or Chicken... or... (Megumi looks at the frown on Sano's face) Now what is the baka thinking? Eep! This is serious... he's thinking! "You called me by my name." (Megumi frowns) ? (AUTHOR'S WARNING: BLEH, THE FOLLOWING STUFF ARE GOING TO BE CHEESYMUSHYAGGH!) (Sano takes Megumi's hand tenderly in his) HE IS NOT DOING THIS! He is not holding my hand... He is not leaning over... He is not giving me a kismmp... (Sano kisses Megumi, cutting off the doctors's thoughts) I miss you Meg... I can't get you out of my mind. Your scent, your taste, your touch linger in my senses... How I stayed away from you for two months, I can still never quite understand... Megumi I... I... love - No, stop kissing me! You're just making me feel warm all over... you're making me more aware of you... you're making me feel for you... (Megumi pushes Sano away from him, wipes her lips with the back of her hand) "Get out, Sano! Get out of the clinic and get out of my life!" (Sano pulls a protesting Megumi back to his arms) "I'm not just gonna walk away from here without hearing you say that you don't want me, that what happened between us was nothing for you. Because I can't stand this anymore!" (Sano's hold on Megumi turns more gentle) "Because I don't want to play hide and seek anymore. I want to know, I want it to come from you ... say that you don't love me." (Megumi tries to control her tears as she listens) Sano don't do this. I love you but... "So you want it said in your face? Alright, I DON'T LOVE YOU! What happened was nothing to me! And, and if you don't like it, deal with it because it's the truth..." (Megumi's tears start to flow) Kuso, she's crying! I... I made her cry. Maybe she's telling the truth. Maybe she doesn't care for me at all. I made her cry, I caused her pain. I was wrong as usual, things can never work for the two of us... Better to back out now than make myself a fool much longer... I don't wanna be the cause of her tears again. (Sano brushes her tears away then turns slowly) "Alright Megumi, if that's what you want... if that's the truth... don't worry I'll not bother you anymore. I wish you well Megumi" (Sano walks out of the clinic and into the night. Megumi is left alone in the clinic, crying) on to chapter 2