ONLY TIME CAN TELL A Fanfic by Flori-dono Disclaimer: This is a Rurouni Kenshin-inspired fan fiction. The author is not making any money out of this. The characters of Rurouni Kenshin belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shounen Jump, and Sony and others that should be mentioned but were not. II "Yahiko..." Tsubame called out weakly. He didn't turn back. She met Kenshin's gaze. He shook his head. She understood. Yahiko needed some time alone. "Are you alright?" Yutarou asked, his voice filled with concern. Tsubame's face had turned so pale, he thought she would collapse any moment soon. She nodded. "Why don't you sit down, Tsubame-chan?" Kenshin suggested. The meeting was inevitable, although for the sake of these children, he wished it was not that soon. He wasn't really surprised upon seeing Yahiko's reaction. Perhaps he would've felt the same if he was in the same boat. Silently, he prayed that Yahiko was mature enough to understand the situation. "What happened?" Kaoru's voice broke into the uneasy silence of the room. She saw Tsubame's expression and guessed what had just happened. "Yahiko-oniichan went out!" Little Kenji confirmed that guess, unaware of the tension among the 'grown-ups' in the room. "But he just came! Will he be coming back?" "Kenji-kun," Kenshin reprimanded his son gently. "Come on, we'll look where your oniichan went. And let's see if we can bring him back." This he said more to the young couple rather than the boy. Kenshin and Kaoru exchanged knowing glances. Kenshin herded the boy out of the house, leaving Kaoru with Yutarou and Tsubame. When they had gone, Kaoru asked. "Are you sure you're okay?" Tsubame nodded. "Why don't I get you back to the Akabeko?" Yutarou offered. She smiled weakly. "Hai," she agreed then to Kaoru she said, "Gomen nasai Kaoru-chan. I..." The older girl clasped Tsubame's hand in hers. "No, don't apologize it was nobody's fault. If you need to talk about things, I'll be gladly here to listen." Tsubame almost burst into tears at that. She would need her help alright. But no, not now. She'd try to sort this out herself. "Domou," she answered. "Yutarou, let's go." Yutarou looked at Kaoru with questions in his eyes. It was obvious that he was confused. Kaoru nodded to him. She would explain it all later. Kaoru watched as the two walked. This would be a problem. Yahiko and Yutarou both under the same roof. And Tsubame... "Kami-sama," she said softly. "Help us please." She sighed and cleared the bowls up. Well, so much for lunch. *** Yahiko sat underneath the tree by the riverbank. He had missed this spot when he went. When he was younger, this was the place where he would go practice, or hid everytime Kaoru was after his head. Its friendly silence offered him peace and solace. But why couldn't he find it now? He threw a stone to the river and watched it skipped on the gleaming surface twice before finally sinking in a whirlpool. He felt like that. He felt like he was sinking into an invisible hole where he couldn't get out. Why, Tsubame? And to Yutarou nevertheless. He snickered bitterly. Of course he knew the answer to that. He never did tell her that he loved her. He just went away without revealing his feelings to her. How could he expect to come back to find her free? It was his entire fault. He took things for granted. *** "I heard you'll be going to Yokohama tomorrow." Yahiko looked behind him. It was Tsubame. His breath caught at the sight of her. She was standing beneath the cherry tree. Moonlight filtered through its branches and leaves, and played on her slender form. The soft night breeze teased her hair, making it flutter across her cheeks. Caressing them softly. "Hai," he answered. "I'll be the best soldier in the country!" "I'm sure you'll be," Tsubame said as she sat down next to him on the carpet of grass. "Arigatou," he said. Silence. "Tsubame..." "Yahiko..." They laughed. "Okay, you go first!" "No, you go..." Yahiko smiled sheepishly. It was the right moment, the right place. Then why couldn't he say it? It should be pretty easy. "Tsubame..." he began. "I... I..." "Yes, Yahiko?" Tsubame encouraged him. He flushed. This was harder than he had thought. He cleared his throat. He wiped his perspiring forehead with his shaking hand. Damn samurai-boy, you've faced Kenshin and lots more before this, where's your courage now? He looked at her. Suddenly, he was attacked by fear. What if she didn't like me? What if she only thought of us as friends? What if... No, I couldn't go through with this! "Uh, Tsubame..." he said. "I... I have to go." "Huh?" Tsubame said. She was confused. She was sure he was going to say something. Yahiko saw the confusion in her eyes. But he was confused himself, and very scared. Damn it! He was such a coward. "Gomen... sayonara!" he muttered before finally getting up and walked back home. He didn't turn back. He didn't see the tears in Tsubame's eyes. "Baka," she said to the darkness. And she got up herself and ran. *** "Yahiko?" He turned and found a young woman of seventeen standing a few feet away from him. He squinted, trying to remember who she was. She was tall, almost as tall as Megumi. Her black hair lay loose and reached down to her shoulders. She was very pretty. "Ayame-chan," he said incredulously, finally recognizing her. "Is that you?" "Hai," she said with a charming giggle. She walked nearer. Yahiko stood up. The top of her head already reached up to his chin. "My you've grown up!" He couldn't believe that this was the same Ayame that Kenshin used to baby-sat. "And so have you," she answered. "When did you arrive?" "Oh, just this noon." "Kaoru-'neechan didn't mention that you would." "I never told them," he said. "I wanted to surprise them" But I was the one who was surprised. This one he added silently. "So how are you?" she asked with a smile. "Have you finished your training?" "Hai" he said, smiling too. "I finished on top of our class." "Omedeto!" "Thanks," he said then explained. "They let me go home. I'll be assigned to Kyoto next month." Ayame nodded her head. "Sou desu..." It was Yahiko's turn to ask. "How about you? I heard you're studying to become a doctor." "Hai!" she said excitedly. "I'll be starting my formal lessons on September, but I've been assisting Megumi-'neechan for two years already." "Well," he said. "Good luck!" "Arigatou!" "Hmmm, so how's Genzai-sensei?" he asked. "And Suzume?" She laughed. Its sound was like that of a bubbly brook, which was very pleasant to the ear, Yahiko decided. "Oh, he's as genkai as ever!" she announced. "He doesn't practice now that Megumi-neechan has taken over but he still pitches in when there are plenty of patients... And he's taken painting as a hobby. Too bad he's not here now. He's gone to visit his sister and Suzume's with him. She's fifteen now and very lovely!" "Like her oneechan, I suppose," Yahiko blurted out. Ayame blushed. "Iie..." she protested then stopped as she saw something. Yahiko turned around and saw Yutarou and Tsubame walking. He assumed they were going back to the Akabeko. He watched painfully as he saw how they looked great together. He glanced back at Ayame. He saw a shadow of pain crossed her eyes. "So, she loves Yutarou," he thought. "So I'm not the only one hurting around here." His heart went out to her. "Uh, Yahiko," Ayame said, her voice cracking a little. She was desperately trying hard not to cry. "I must go now... I forgot I was doing errands for Megumi. She can't go around much nowadays since she's already on her seventh month." Yahiko smiled despite himself. "Why Sano, that sly dog!" he said, trying to change the mood. "Very well, sorry to have kept you." Ayame shook her head. "No, it's okay. It was nice seeing you again." "Same here," he said. "Oh well, just tell everybody that I'll be coming over soon, ne?" She nodded her head and made an effort to smile. "Sure, I'll tell them. I'm sure Sano-san will be delighted." Yahiko laughed. "I guess I can now get back at him for all the things he did to me then. I think I'm almost as tall as him if not taller!" "Hai," Ayame said. "I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you too!" After that, they exchanged good-byes and Ayame left. Yahiko watched her. Time sure did pass by fast. He only hoped time would help him get over this one soon. On to chapter 3